Concept Education

Effective Study Techniques for NSW High School Students

Although high school in Australia comes with great opportunities for learning, growth and extracurricular activities, it is also associated with exams which progressively get harder as one approaches senior years. High school is therefore pivotal in one’s academic future as it sets the basis for further studies or work. Specifically for NSW students working towards the HSC, the key to success is mastering effective study techniques. Establishing good study patterns early on, allows one to ease into the harder years of high school. This article will therefore outline some of the most proven and practical study strategies for NSW high school students.

Understanding Your Learning Style

Everyone learns differently, so the first step to effective studying is understanding your learning style. Generally, there are three primary types of learners:

  1. Visual Learners: These types of students retain information the best through visual aids such as diagrams, charts, videos, and colour-coded notes. 
  2. Auditory Learners: Auditory learners prefer to study using material which is retained through hearing. For example through podcasts, discussing topics with classmates, or reading aloud.
  3. Kinesthetic Learners: These students learn through hands-on activities and experienced learning. By practising problems, writing notes repeatedly, or even using physical objects to illustrate concepts, they can reach their maximum potential and achieve excellent results. 

Identifying your preferred learning style will allow you to tailor your study habits to what suits you best. Feel free to check out our other Concept blogs which delve into each one in detail.


Creating a Study Schedule

One of the biggest challenges for high school students is managing time effectively. That’s why, creating a study schedule allows for well thought out study sessions which boost productivity and allow for the completion of small manageable tasks. 

To achieve this, these steps can be followed:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Jot down the activities you want to complete or achievements you’re aiming to reach for each study session. For instance, instead of writing ‘study english’ on a list, you can instead say ‘write the introduction for my essay’ or ‘read over my class analysis for act 2 scene 3 of Shakespeare’. 
  2. Prioritise Tasks: Identify which topics or subjects require more focus based on upcoming exams or assessments. Prioritise these in your schedule, leaving less critical tasks for later.
  3. Allow Breaks: It’s important to give yourself time to rest. A study session should last around 45-50 minutes, followed by a 10-15 minute break. You can also look into study methods such as the Pomodoro Technique.

Using Active Learning Strategies

Passive studying, including reading over notes or highlighting textbooks may not be as effective as actively recalling information. Active learning involves engaging directly with the material, through flash cards, past papers etc, allowing one to retain information for longer periods. Here are some active study techniques to incorporate into your routine:

  • Summarise: After studying a topic, close your book and summarise the key points in your own words. This reinforces the material and ensures you’ve understood the main concepts.
  • Practice Retrieval: Test yourself regularly on the tasks you’ve studied. Active recall helps to strengthen information in your long-term memory.

Taking Effective Notes

Taking clear, organised notes is a crucial part of successful studying. Whether you prefer handwritten notes or digital ones, the key is to make sure that your notes are comprehensive and understandable. To do this, there are certain methods available: 

  • Cornell Method: This method involves dividing your page into three sections: a narrow left-hand column for questions or keywords, a wider right-hand column for main notes, and a summary section at the bottom of the page. It encourages active learning and helps with reviewing later. 
  • Mind Maps: Mind maps can help connect ideas and concepts in a visual format, making it easier to recall relationships between topics. This is particularly helpful for visual learners. 
  • Colour-Coding: Using different colours for headings, main points and examples can help you quickly recognise important information when revising. This can also enable you to draw connections between topics and ideas. 
  • Reviewing Notes Regularly: Regular reviewing of notes, even for just a few minutes per day can allow you to sustain information and perform better in exams. 

Collaborating and Studying in Groups

While independent study is important, collaborating with others can also be highly beneficial for some students. Studying in groups allows you to gain different perspectives and helps reinforce your learning through discussion. It has been proven that by teaching the material to others, you are able to develop a deeper understanding of it. Additionally, by using techniques such as peer marking, you become more aware of what markers look for and you’re able to critically mark yourself also. 

Minimising Distractions

In today’s digital age, distractions are plentiful. Whether it’s social media, gaming, or texting, distractions can severely hinder your productivity. Therefore, by turning off notifications during study sessions, designating a quiet study space and setting times for breaks, you can maintain focus and increase your study benefits. 

Effective study techniques are essential for high school students in NSW to thrive academically and achieve their goals. By understanding your learning style, staying organised, using active learning strategies, collaborating with peers and minimising distractions, you can make the most of your study time without burning out. Remember, consistency is the key and with the right strategies and help from friends, parents, teachers or tutors, you’ll be well on your way to success.

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