Pressure in the Exam Room

Can you picture it? Long rows of individual desks stretched out across your school gym, papers lying face down, exam invigilators watching as people file in.

Concept Tutor

Can you picture it? Long rows of individual desks stretched out across your school gym, papers lying face down, exam invigilators watching as people file in. A truly terrifying sight.

Exams can be extremely anxiety-provoking, but they don’t have to be. Here are some top tips to manage and channel exam anxiety before, during and after an exam.

1. Before

Exam day preparation starts the night before, make sure you get a good night's sleep and

follow sleep hygiene practices. 1-2 hours Before an HSC exam make sure that you have

eaten a substantial meal, with a balance of food groups for sustainable energy. Get to your

exam room early, and if possible sit alone. The frantic ‘pre-HSC’ chats often serve to scare

us and increase adrenaline rather than create the calm positivity we need. Remember that

you've prepared properly and keep a positive outlook.

2. During

The most anxiety-provoking part of an exam is often the lead-up and the initial reading of

the paper. As you take your seat remember to take deep breaths, focusing on your breath

will aid in slowing the central nervous system and enabling greater focus on the task at

hand. During reading time remember to take your time processing the questions, often

during exams, we are tempted to approach tasks with frenetic energy, reading time is an

opportunity to centre yourself and take your time reading and planning responses. Before

you know it the exam will be over.

3. After

After an exam, take some time for self-care and remember to be proud of yourself, getting

to the end of the HSC and completing exams is a huge accomplishment! Try not to stay

around people who insist on talking about the contents of the exam, what they did or did

not do will not affect you. Eat your favourite food, decompress and enjoy the freedom of

having completed an exam.

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