How to Structure your Essay Arguments in Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

TOK is for many, an extremely difficult and abstract subject to get your head around.

13th in NSW English Advanced

TOK is for many, an extremely difficult and abstract subject to get your head around. A lot of the questions and discussions in class may seem nonsensical and confusing – perhaps, even the TOK essay titles released by IB just do not make sense! One thing that we find here at Concept that can help alleviate the stress and confusion of TOK is a clear and concise structure and format. This is especially the case when it comes to writing the TOK essay.

So many of the TOK essays I have read often have great ideas, but students sometimes struggle in articulating their ideas. This can result in an incoherent essay. Taking some time before, during and at the end of your essay writing process (whilst it sounds like a drag and takes a couple of hours of your time), will help you express your ideas in an effective manner. The key component in TOK to nail is to ensure the examiner can understand your viewpoint, instead of having to search for what you are trying to say. If you can manage to do this, your grades are sure to increase!


  • This should be 150-200 words
  • Start by focusing on the prescribed title – what is special about the title?
  • Define key terms from the prescribed title (this is extremely important as some phrases or terms in the title are purposefully difficult to define so how you define these terms will be the key to how you answer the prescribed title)
  • Pick your Area of Knowledge (AoK) and briefly mention why they are fitting to discuss the prescribed title
  • State your thesis – this is essentially a response to the title (do you agree or disagree or maybe you partially agree and disagree)
  • Provide a general overview of what you will discuss (simply refer to Ways of Knowing (WoKs) and real-life examples)

Paragraph 1

  • This should be 250-350 words
  • Explore your first AoK
  • Explain this in relation to your thesis – why does it or does it not or does it partially support the prescribed title?
  • To aid your point, explain why your real-life example does/does not support the prescribed title and use WoKs
  • Discuss whether your real-life example is unique or if it is applicable/true for most of the AoK

Paragraph 2

  • This should be 250-350 words
  • Counterclaim your first paragraph explaining its flaws and any issues in the argument (this should be a strong paragraph because the IB loves your ability to critically think)
  • Discuss another real-life example, within the same AoK that supports your counterclaim using new WoKs
  • Remember to keep referring back to the prescribed title
  • Answer to what extent does your first AoK supports or doesn’t support your thesis

Paragraph 3

  • The same as Paragraph 1 but with your second AoK

Paragraph 4

  • The same as Paragraph 2 but with your second AoK (counterclaim Paragraph 3)


  • The key to your conclusion is to refer back to the prescribed title and your thesis
  • What is your overall response to the prescribed title? Note: you likely do not want to take a strong stance either way as this defeats the purpose of TOK which highlights there are numerous perspectives and arguments that can be made on any given topic
  • Tell the examiner why is it important to know the answer to this question

I hope this structure gives you the clarity and assistance you need! However, if you need help breaking down the essay title or are still having some issues with understanding and applying the essay structure, simply contact us here at Concept!

Good Luck!

Your IB Academic Director,

Tanisha Chadha

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