What makes Concept tutors different?

Even though it’s same faculties exist, they may be different from one school to another. Tutoring teams are no exception. What can make one not just different, but better than the rest?

Teamwork is directly linked to performance. There are hard skills (e.g. ATAR, subject performance, qualifications, access to resources) and soft skills (e.g. teamwork, empathy, interpersonal understanding, resilience). The best teams would have a combination of both, empowering students to cross the finish line. 

What makes a good Tutor? 

Usually, when we look to teachers and tutors, we go for the qualifications. Did this teacher do well in their university course? How did they do in the HSC? Do their students appreciate their teaching? However, such a solely meritocratic assessment loses the other half of the equation - the soft skills. There are many tutors with 99+ ATARs and state ranks, and yet, they can miss out on those crucial soft skills. This absent factor can greatly disengage their students and does little to motivate when the going gets tough. 

If anyone’s remembered their High School days, it’s clear that the ones who they remember the most were the funny and remarkable teachers. They were the ones who were able to connect with students, to share in their experiences - to have a great repertoire of soft skills. These teachers were able to push students to work hard, even if they weren’t the most qualified ones. This element is crucial to honing the student-teacher relationship, enabling students to give their best. So, what makes Concept any different from the rest? 

The Concept difference

In the sea of tutors, there will be many who get state ranks and excel in their studies. However, only a few companies can truly collaborate with their tutors. Concept makes this distinction clear in how they upskill and hone their state-ranking tutor’s soft skills. Every month, tutors get the chance to have a team meeting with the whole team. Mentor and mentee relationships are formed quickly, as junior tutors have a chance to connect with the team as well as ask them questions about difficult dilemmas that can occur during the teaching process. Working with the team in this interconnected manner means not only the tutor’s experience is brought to the table, but the whole team’s one too. All hands are on deck at Concept!

Moving past hierarchical workspaces, Concept also grants its tutors direct communication to the whole tutoring team. As Simran , Concept’s founder explains: 

“In the age of information, the power of learning has transcended the boundaries of traditional classrooms, with digital solutions to modern schooling problems (like geographic boundaries) taking the helm,”

Within Concept, resource banks can be easily transferred on a digital workspace. It means that students who are under the care of the team will have quick and easy access to the best resources available, skipping the clunkiness associated with the physical classroom. Convenience also becomes a key factor. The talented tutors in Concept study a range of degrees, like Medicine, Law, Commerce, English, etc, which can make it hard for all these diverse paths to meet physically. The online system Concept employs allows these critical minds to congregate in one spot, in order to maximise student’s learning potential. 

Many merits can be said about traditional physical tutoring spaces. However, as the world changes, so too must the way we learn. Concept has grasped the advent of that change, and produced results too, with yearly state ranks and 100% Band 6 achievement rates. Producing results, but also producing tutors who are appreciated for their soft skills and autonomy, is truly what sets Concept apart.

Seeing the Concept difference? Reach out to Concept at https://www.concepteducation.com.au/enquire or email us at admin@concepteducation.com.au - we're always happy to help!

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