A message from our Academic Director

Thank you to everyone who joined our English Advanced HSC seminars this weekend!

And that’s a wrap!

Thank you to everyone who joined our English Advanced HSC seminars this weekend!

The turnout was amazing and each seminar was met with such positive feedback from those who attended. The contributions from students this year was also such a positive highlight as in each seminar we were able to listen to ideas from students themselves and foster such a collaborative learning environment.

We hope that those students who attended took away something valuable from this experience and are able implement their newfound knowledge towards their studies and preparation for the HSC.

These seminars are always so fun to organise and run since you guys - the students - are so eager to learn! It was so nice virtually meeting everyone and the support from students is ultimately what makes these events so rewarding, not just for me but hopefully for those that attend as well.

Here are some photos of the students!

Once again, the team at Concept are always delighted to see students taking steps towards improving, developing and enriching their knowledge, skills and academic experience to achieve their personal goals.

Great job everyone!

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