Why is Concept English the place to go to for HSC English tutoring? There are many English tutoring centres out there. So, picking between the various options can understandably be a challenging task, given that they all promise roughly the same things: experienced tutors, structured lessons, high quality course material, and ongoing support from teachers.

Why is Concept English the place to go to for HSC English tutoring?

There are many English tutoring centres out there. So, picking between the various options can understandably be a challenging task, given that they all promise roughly the same things: experienced tutors, structured lessons, high quality course material, and ongoing support from teachers.

Whilst these are all important for any HSC tutoring service, there is so much more that is necessary to truly facilitate and optimise the learning experiences of students so that they can be stretched to their fullest potential and achieve their academic goals.

These other, often neglected, parts of tutoring is something that the academic team here at Concept English pride ourselves on, as we believe that we have refined and perfected the approach to senior English, equipping any student who comes on board with us with the tools that will help them not only accomplish their goals, but also tap into unexplored parts of themselves by fostering a genuine interest in the world, encouraging critical and analytical thinking and inspiring them to construct a personal voice which they will later deploy in the real world to mobilise themselves and reach their fullest potential.

The teachers

At Concept, we believe that tutoring is not about giving students additional ‘work’ but should be an integrated and holistic educational experience where the student is encouraged to consider not only just their English work, but also the many different factors that intersect with our understanding and appreciation of literature. Here, we recognise that success in English is not just about memorising quotes and techniques, but involves a truly integrated appreciation of how cultural narratives, social values and beliefs, and the political systems we are embedded in, shape the tone, flow and message of an author.

We encourage students to think critically about how their own biases, judgements and assumptions the world around them, their personal identity, experiences and thoughts shape the way in which they engage with a text, influencing each and every aspect of the meaning-making process. Considering this, we also expand the knowledge of our students through discussion of history, culture, sociology and philosophy, as we recognise that a firm hold on not only the text but the many other factors that influence the synthesis of a text as a culturally engineered artefact, is critical for success in HSC English, especially for those who are eyeing a mark in the high band 6 level.

The team at Concept consist only of those who have topped NSW in their English course during the HSC, and thus possess not only a comprehensive analytical grasp on their specific texts, but one that is both incisive and distinctive, considered and critical.

Our academics possess state of the art knowledge about literature, history, sociology, philosophy, politics, culture etc. and radiate a genuine passion for English that allows them to engage students and imbue them with the motivation necessary for success in any life endeavour. Although our teachers are highly versed in their respective texts, they funnel their knowledge in an approachable, authentic and sensitive manner, ensuring that all students are acknowledged.

Our teachers are deeply passionate about English and are driven by this adoration for language, words, and text when leading students during their lessons. In light of this, they are able to coherently translate complex and philosophical ideas into understandable formats, ensuring that every student can develop a clear understanding of what the focus of their module is, how to approach their text, and the logical structure and form of their essay responses.

By extension, our teachers empower students to collaborate with one other to deepen their own appreciation of a text, as well as to think critically about any work they receive – to continuously interrogate authorial purpose, representation and textual efficacy. All our academics undergo intensive training and ongoing development of their skills to continuously hone their craft (both written and verbal).

The course

Whilst most other centres offer tutoring services for a variety of subjects, at Concept we focus centrally on the English courses. By concentrating solely on the English syllabus, this has allowed us to develop a high degree of specialisation, reflected through both the nuance and detail in the courses we have developed. Not only do our programs complement the knowledge that students develop at school, but it also expands and deepens it by providing greater insight into their texts and their module.

Often at school, teachers may swift through things for the sake of time, neglect certain parts of the module, forget to address student’s worries, or simply fail to focalise their approach to the key concerns of the rubric, leading to poor retention of knowledge or in some cases a reasonable understanding of a text but an impoverished ability to apply this knowledge using the framework of the module.

To address these very unique concerns given the nature of English, our team of academics have iterated and refined their teaching approach so as to ensure that students acquire a firm hold on the demands, expectations and criteria needed for success in every module they will be studying, all of which is funnelled in a structured manner given the material we have developed alongside this.

Every single aspect of the syllabus for each module have been considered, addressed, and appropriately incorporated into the course structure and lesson material so that the student has an integrated and cohesive appreciation of text and module. In addition to this, our Academic Director can answer any other concerns that students may have about their studies through which they are able to clarify, edit, or build upon their formulations.

English is a tricky subject and seeking additional help through tuition is always a good option. In fact, students that are performing at the highest level often seek tutoring for the sole purpose of developing a more nuanced, sophisticated, and critical appreciation of their text, that they otherwise would struggle to develop alone, without the assistance and guidance of teachers that have gone through the HSC experience and performed to the highest level in the state.

Our teachers know the ins and outs of the syllabus and the intricacies of their prescribed texts. But in addition, they are backed up by structured course material that has been developed in precise alignment with the module and rubric.

At Concept, we have cracked the code to succeeding in English, a bold statement we can confidently attest to because of the superb results we achieve every year (our alumni consisting of English state rankers, DUX, university scholarship recipients etc.). Joining concept is more than just ‘tutoring work’ – it is an affirmation of one’s willingness to learn and to reach one’s greatest potential.  

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